The DEA Accidentally Sent $50,000 Of Seized Cryptocurrency To A Scammer

Aug 25, 2023 · 1 min read · 60 points
The DEA Accidentally Sent $50,000 Of Seized Cryptocurrency To A Scammer
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The Drug Enforcement Agency takes from one criminal enterprise and accidentally gives to another, via a common crypto scam.


  • DEA seized $500,000 in Tether from two Binance accounts it suspected were being used to funnel illegal narcotics proceeds, according to a search warrant.
  • The funds were placed in DEA-controlled accounts, stored in a Trezor hardware-based wallet and placed into a secure facility.
  • Meanwhile, a scammer had been watching the blockchain and noticed when the DEA sent a test amount of $45.36 to the United States Marshals Service, as part of standard forfeiture processing.
  • The scammer quickly set up a cryptocurrency address that matched the first five and last four characters of the Marshals account.
  • The idea here was to basically trick the DEA into thinking the scammer’s address was actually the marshals service’s address.

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